Fail to Succeed?

What you are thinking is coming through loud and clear. You are thinking, "I don't want to fail. I want to succeed!" If that is the way you think, you are in the majority. Also, like everyone else, you are trying so hard to succeed that you will end up failing. So many people are determined to make what they want in life successful, that they pour their hearts and everything they have into it. They don't realize that the things they desire are often not what is best for their life. In other words, these things are not the Divine Intent for their life; they are not part of their true path. They are purely secular objects of the physical nature of existence and all these physical things eventually wear out, get rusty, and wash away. They are determined to attain success, happiness, and wealth at any cost.

Our culture conditions us to believe that whatever you want you can have as long as we are determined to get it. They build their argument on persistence and discipline; thinking smart; out maneuvering the market, and coming out on top. The tragedy is that many pay a great price, then discover the object of their work was not worth it. They end up with a wall full of plaques and a meaningless eulogy, but they didn't find real meaning, joy, and fulfillment. They arrived, but didn't enjoy the trip. They aren't getting the benefits of what they achieved, and the achievements don't give them what they expected. Jason worked hard building a successful tech business and sold it for a dream amount. He arrived, but where did he arrive? His arrival cost him relationships, meaningful purpose, fulfilling joy, and even his health.

Where are you? What price are you paying for where you think you want to go? Perhaps a good failure will help. In actuality, those who have failed a few times are the ones who find more meaningful lives and true success. It is the same with life; those of us who have suffered some pain are the ones who come to live life at a deeper level. We come to realize that everything will not be what we want it to be. We come to embrace the reality that life is not meant to be perfect and that imperfection accepted is a way to be humbled. By the way, humility, if considered a virtue, (even by secular language) means character. My grandmother always reminded me that my fear of failure would stand in the way of my ultimate success. "Turn it over to the Lord," she would say over and over. "When you fail, flub up, or stub your toe, take a step back." She would call attention to your failure, as eventually, it would become a part of your success.

Take joy in the fact that you are not perfect. It is only in our Divine nature that we can seek perfection; that we can live in virtue, and the greatest virtue aside from love is humility. Humility is accepting the fact that it is not up to you or me; it is up to the Divine influence in our lives.


Seeking or Surrendering

Thom share how we succeed by surrendering.